Wednesday, September 11, 2013

...He is stronger than death (day 4 of the fast)

September 11, 2013

First, just writing out that date makes me want to take some time to reflect on what today means in history.  I think if we are old enough to remember, we all remember where we were 12 years ago on this day.  I remember.  I remember the call from my mom as I was actually asleep, oblivious to anything even happening.  I remember turning on the tv and being paralyzed in shock and fear while sitting on the couch of my little Boonton, NJ apartment--miles away from my comfort zone of my family.   My mom’s voice was filled with fear.  All she knew was that I worked at the Bank of New York, so to her, that meant I was in NYC.  However, I was 30 miles away across the state line in my quiet little neighborhood.  But the fear swelled up within me.  I had never seen such a thing.  My brain could not comprehend what my eyes were seeing.  I was naive, a mere 20 years old and other than the Oklahoma City bombing from when I was 13, I had never been so near to something so tragic.  I tried to call out to my friends but the phones were all locked up.  It was a mess.  It was devastating. But we all remember those days that followed.  Our little town was strengthened.  We had heard of gas stations who were charging 5 bucks a gallon but our local shop was selling it for 80 cents a gallon and there were American flags everywhere.  Lapel pins, banners, marquees, and flags consumed our streets, our yards, our buildings and even our clothing.  We all joined together.  We were all broken.  We all sought justice.  We were nicer to one another.  We all loved America. I go back to that feeling that I really didn’t understand before that time.  My heart overflows with the patriotism, the uniting of our nation, the mission work that was done during those following days.  We really came together.   Remember, today, those lost and remember that love for America.  America has its downfalls.  We are gluttonous, stingy, spoiled, but we are also the land of the free.  We are also the land where people risk their lives to flee to because we offer opportunity, freedom and a hope.  Remember that when you think of America.  

Verse of the Day:
Philippians 4:9
What you have learned and received and heard and seen in mepractice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.  

This is Paul speaking to the church at Philippi.  This letter speaks much of joy, yet it comes from a man who was possibly in prison–simply for being a Christian.   Throughout history, the word joy has taken on a not so substantial meaning.  Often, it refers to a fleeting feeling that is made full from possessions, actions, people but true joy is that abiding sense of happiness.  Like depression can seem like this ever nagging cloud of doubt and dull while even in happy times, true joy that comes from the Lord leaves us with hope, happiness, a sense of all-is-well within our soul even when the rain comes.  That, my friend is joy.  And Paul, while sitting in a prison for no real crime, speaks to a church miles away of joy.  
Philippians is lit up in my Bible with highlighting and underlining of well-known verses in its short 4 chapters: live is Christ and to die is gain.
2:14 Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure... out your salvation with fear and trembling
3:7..I now consider loss for the sake of Christ
4:13 I can do all things through him who gives me strength
4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
...and many more.
Paul writes to the church at Philippi as a friend would write another.  He offers hope, encouragement and a peace that could only come from God.  Rejoice remains a recurring theme and like my Bible edition sums it up, Paul’s philosophy is “to live is Christ and to die is gain."  God is stronger than death, and that makes a Christian’s joy indestructible.   
So as we go through trials and deal with unknowns and remain far from a world of absolutes and certainties, we can remain joyful, hopeful, confident that our God is stronger, better and that he wants well for us.
So, as I look at Paul and read this verse of the day that he writes while sitting in a jail cell, I will practice that same hope, encouragement and display the joy that God has given me through the Holy Spirit. 

 I love you, Lord.  I honor you.  You are my great encourager and I will try to encourage others as you lead me to.

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