Tuesday, August 6, 2013

You can do all things...

Testimony comes in those times when the odds were against you.  Rarely do you hear the testament of how the routine giver routinely gave and yep, this month he was able to pay his bills again and have money left over like he did last month and the month before and the month before that.  No, testimony generally comes from that giver who had his car break down, the fridge go out and an unexpected co-pay and prescription to fill yet he still tithed although he didn't know how he was going to pay to have that new fuel line put in.  But God's provision was given to him and an unexpected check came in the mail or turns out, the fuel line wasn't out, he just happened to have some bad gasoline.  Miracles, that's what we want to brag on Jesus about.  That's what we want to hear about.  I remember profoundly with Gideon, praying for that miracle.  We prayed for him to beat all odds.  I even said, "what a wonderful testimony it would be to tell of our son who was perfectly healed in the name of Jesus on this side of Heaven."  The doctors didn't have a good prognosis and I, like so many other mothers standing in my place before me, wanted God to prove them wrong.  I wanted my testimony.  I wanted it my way.  I wanted our  son.  But God being all sovereign, leading us down his path and not our own, gave us another testimony.  Is it that my son died?  Of course not.  My testimony remains that although our son passed away, although we didn't get what we wanted, although my husband fasted and saw no tangible results, our hearts still belong to Jesus.  Our testimony remains that satan has no hold on us.  Our testimony remains that hell has no power.  Jesus is our source.  Jesus is our salvation.  And for us that salvation brings us many things even this side of heaven--saved from depression, from hate, from a deep pit of self-loathing.  Jesus is the only way that we have survived.  Our faith in him, his grace to us--that is all.    

Today, as I was journaling--journaling to Jesus, I was encouraged and I wanted to share this encouragement with you.  As I am patiently waiting on God, which at times is honestly not the calmest of spirit, I will remember that I have been obedient.  I must wait for Him.  I will remember that God is in control.  God loves me.  God loves my little family.  And although things may not always go as I had planned or as I want, in time or action, He is in control, has my best interest at heart and His plans will only make me stronger in Him--which is the only thing that matters anyway.  Be encouraged by Job.  Even though God allowed a lot of harm to come his way, his relationship in Christ was only refined by the fire.      

Then Job replied to the Lord:
“I know that you can do all things;    
no purpose of yours can be thwarted.
You asked, ‘Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge?’
Surely I spoke of things I did not understand,
things too wonderful for me to know.
“You said, ‘Listen now, and I will speak;
I will question you,    
and you shall answer me.’
My ears had heard of you   
 but now my eyes have seen you.
Therefore I despise myself    
and repent in dust and ashes.” --Job 42:1-6

Our original little monkey in utero;-)

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