Monday, November 7, 2016

His timing is good...

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.--John 14:27

My Time Hop came up from 3 years ago:

Today, I received my credentialing from St Francis and get to start work a day early (this evening)! I have thoroughly enjoyed this past month of rest and bonding that has flown by way too quickly but I am thankful to have a place of employment and a job to go to. This has been an amazing journey for our little family. My husband told me when I first began looking into the PEC that if it's not from God, it will fizzle and that if it is from God then it will be unstoppable. I look at how much happened in so short of time: credentialing in less than a month (most hospitals estimate a time of three months for this) and even my certifications in less than a week compared to the estimated 6-8 weeks. I believed my husband then and I see the proof now and I thank Jesus always for leading us.

This was such an adventure for me.  I stepped out on complete faith when I gave my notice at the clinic.  I knew God wanted more from me as a mother and I knew we needed to make some drastic changes to get there.  Then, I had a full month off work.  I do not know if I ever had felt so healthy and refreshed in all my life and still so fulfilled.  Gabe and I filled our days with each other in playtime and activities.  And now in 2 days, I will venture back to work.   I will enter that building where God chose to place me.  I have been thinking about how I had an entire month off exactly 3 years ago and how blessed I was to be able to spend that time with Gabe and Lance.  I think it’s beautiful how God timed these two separate events of my work break and now my maternity leave.  Every year in November, I am reminded how God orchestrated this move but this time he gave me a bit of a reprieve as I start into my fourth year.  he gave me a time to just be mom and wife without the worry of being a working mom.     
This past week has been filled with rush and worry with this deep desire to slow down and indulge.  Indulge the snuggles, the hugs, the smells, the quiet, the smiles and the laughs.  This time off has certainly been different than the last.  We have had lots of hanging out at the house with the sleeping baby and less of going to the fun places.  Cadence has filled more of my time and Gabe has often been left to play with Gege or Granny and dad has almost completely taken over story time.  But tonight, we danced.  Gabe and I danced in the kitchen.     It’s this beautiful picture that I pray he will remember for all of his life and one I will never forget.  He takes both of my hands in his, his hazel eyes stare up at me and never leave my face except when a spin is involved and then I hear the joyous giggle from his pure sweet soul.   These are the things that God gives to me that give me peace.  Peace that we are doing something right.  Peace as I return to work.  

I pray you find peace in God.  I pray He gives you rest.  Too easily our work can become toil and our hearts begin to harden as we seek for a rejuvenation that can only come form Him.  Prayers for peace and comfort in what this week may bring you.  

Lord, I thank you for giving me 12 beautiful weeks.  I thank you for this time to reflect on who you are and all that you have done for us.  As I begin my fourth year at the job you chose, I pray I will continue to be the hands and feet of you, Jesus.  I know you hear my cries and you know my angst of returning to work and I pray that you will continue to give me comfort and these special moments with my children and husband to help get me through my time away.
These two have definitely kept me busy these past 12 weeks.

Pumpkin Town was one of our many adventures during my time off 3 years ago

That Gideon was one cool dude!
A trip to the lake to hang out and dad to take pictures during time off 3 years ago.