December 8, 2011
"You open wide your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. The LORD is just in all his ways, merciful in all his works. The LORD is near to all who call upon him, to all who call upon him in truth. He fulfills the desire of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them."
In preparing for today, we were quite unsure of what we should do. It has been nine months since we lost our sweet boy. Should we have a birthday party? Bring out his special birthday plate and cup that Tonya gave us for a baby shower gift? Light a candle atop a cupcake? Sing happy birthday to the sky? It seemed a bit dramatic and over the top… Should we meet at his grave for a family gathering and remembrance? His headstone wouldn’t be set and his name marker had already been removed so we would simply be staring at a mound of dirt covered in sparse grass with toys that had been brought atop it or staring at one another. What would we do once we were there? Say something about him? Cry together? Sing happy birthday there? Possibly, we should have a family dinner out somewhere? Again, I think it was too soon for that.
So, as we grew closer and closer to today, I was undecided how the day would be celebrated and handled. I wasn’t sure how it would unfold but I knew that it would be difficult so I went ahead and requested the day off. My mom and a few of my friends had taken off as well for their own mourning and remembrance but also to be there for me in case I needed someone. Lance had taken the day off as well so he could spend that time with me. I am truly blessed with a loving and supportive husband, family and close group of friends. I also knew that there were many people lifting us up in prayer so that would be able to encounter this day with the strength of Jesus. I decided last night that I would spend the day with Lance doing things that we needed to do, staying busy, remembering Gideon, and thanking God for both of our sons, going to see the finished headstone that by God’s sovereignty came in yesterday and by going to visit the resting place of our infant’s flesh and bones. Yep, I knew it would be hard.
I spent last night remembering the days before giving birth. I remember calling Lance at 430 in the morning to let him know that I was having contractions. They were nowhere near regular but they were there. He had worked an 8 hour shift at the port after his 8 hour shift at work—just another way that he thanks God for provision in providing work that he is able to do. One thing I love about my husband is that he doesn’t pray for wealth or riches to simply be handed to him or “to fall in his lap”, he prays for God to provide work. And God is faithful. Lance knew that we would be off work for 6 weeks. He had vacation and comp time to cover his entire length of maternity leave but I only had a couple of weeks and an AFLAC plan that wouldn’t make up the entire amount that I would be missing out so he worked hard those months leading up to our delivery so we would have our finances in order and wouldn’t stress about money while we were enjoying our newborn and time off together. I remember spending that day together--him rubbing my back, helping me through the contractions, talking to Gideon through my belly in his Elmo voice and telling him to “hurry up and come out sucka”. Yes, that is my husband. He makes me smile. My mom came over later in the evening so that she could be there to ride with us to the hospital in case we left through the night. All night long, my contractions would get stronger and closer then weak and spread apart--12 minutes then 7 minutes then 19 minutes. This went on for hours. I kept on remembering the advice of my doctor—consistently 3-5 minutes apart for 1-2 hours then it’s time to go to the hospital. I waited and waited and waited. Then finally I decided that it was time to rest at about 2 in the morning. This seemed to intensify the contractions. They started to increase in intensity but were still sporadic. At about 3:45, I decided it was time to call the doctor because I felt like it was going to happen soon! As I was telling all that had happened, I had to pause to go through a contraction. He told me to go ahead and head that way since we had a little bit of a drive. The car had to be the trigger because as soon as we got moving around and all packed up and headed to the hospital, my contractions began to increase to every 3-4 minutes and were much stronger. When I arrived at the hospital at 4:30, I was already 100% effaced and dilated to an 8—which means, this baby is coming soon!!
Those memories danced through my head as I sat in Gideon’s room sobbing for him once more. The nurses were so supportive—praising me for not being induced and going on and on about how rare it is to have someone come in when they are actually in labor. I was pleased. We had managed to wait it out at home and now we were going to have a baby. The anesthesiologist came quickly and gave my epidural—which only required one stick and God was kind enough to not give me any contractions during that procedure. Gideon was still high so the nurses had me do some finagling to help get him down. The epidural made me a little nauseous but that quickly resolved and I was given some O2 to help ease my symptoms. At approximately 10:00 AM, my OB came in and the pushing began. The time seemed to fly. Before I knew it, it was 10:24 AM and there was our tiny baby boy, finally on the outside. Doctor Cook joked that he was too small and we needed to put him back for a little whileJ But no, I could finally hold him in my arms. I had waited for this moment for 40 weeks, loving every moment of being pregnant but excited to hold our little bundle close in my arms.
I wept and wept as I sat in that chair last night remembering the birth of my first child and stared at his, what felt to be, empty room. Piles of toys and clothes stacked from one end to the other across the floor. A mountain of hospital “get well soon” cards, hand prints, baby clothes and any other miscellaneous small items that had only made it to his vanity because I wasn’t able to bring them all of the way in. There was plenty of “stuff” in the room but there was no baby. I stared at his empty crib and just thought about all of the nights and afternoons that I would just watch him sleep and the mornings when he would be so happy to see me and I would rescue him and scoop him up in my arms as we started out our day. I longed to be able to rescue him again and hold him once more.
But there is nothing to rescue him from. He has been perfectly rescued and healed and rests in the arms of our Heavenly Father who I know loves him far more than we do. So today, we tried to remember that love as we ventured through the day. There was a lot of crying, a lot of laughing and a lot of memories made. We decided that we will celebrate Gideon’s birthday with Gabe in years to come and it will be a family tradition. We will tell him stories throughout the year but especially on December 8th of all of the lives his sweet brother touched and we will always remember our son and we will always tell our future children about their big brother who was a mighty warrior of God.